Metagov Gateway

Infrastructure for online communities

The Metagov Gateway is an open-source API gateway for online communities. It helps communities govern themselves by connecting decision-making tools to platforms where decisions need to be made.

Currently supports Slack, Discord, Discourse, GitHub, and more.


Today’s communities are multi-platform

Communities are defined by their people, and people naturally congregate across multiple platforms and services. Like traditional enterprise gateways, the Metagov Gateway helps manage and connect these platforms, making communities more accessible and more cohesive.

Popular applications with the click of a button

Want a reputation system on top of Slack? What about a voting system for expenses on Open Collective? Gateway integrates a range of out-of-the-box governance tools such as Open Collective, Loomio, SourceCred, and the Web Monetization standard as well as common utilities like voting, identity resolution, and API analytics.

Connect Web2 and Web3

Tokens are not just investments; they confer rights. But those rights only matter when they are exerted. Metagov Gateway helps connect Web3 communities to the social platforms where they interact. On the horizon: integrations for DAOs, blockchains, and other Web3 tools like Snapshot, Kleros, and Coordinape.

Innovate with governance

The Gateway is designed to support rapid prototyping of governance systems, decision-making processes, and social workflows across a range of platforms, from forums to chat services to blockchains. To help people prototype, Gateway also ships with a powerful driver, PolicyKit, for authoring governance policies.

Used by

Have a tool that isn’t currently integrated? Open an issue on our GitHub and we’ll try to add it to our next release. Gateway is a prototype under active development, so please help us out by sending feedback to

See the docs GitHub